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Wide Area Network (WAN) is used to link systems of smaller networks. The networks to be connected are widely separated in this case. For example, connecting the local area networks (LAN) of servers, computers, and printers on the different campuses of a university. WANs exist in different sizes. This ranges from connections between different departments of the city council to the connection of a base station to control a national 4G network. Engineering students have to solve many assignments on WAN. Sometimes, they are not able to write and submit assignments on time because of a lack of time management. Thus, they look for Wide Area Networking Technology Assignment Help.
Star- In this configuration, one node acts as a central connection point for all the others, thus allowing that in the event of a failure in any of the cables, the other nodes do not lose connection with the central node. The main disadvantage of this topology is that any problem that exists in the central node turns into a total disaster for the network since the connection of all the nodes is lost.
Mesh- In this topology, the essence is to look for the interconnection of the nodes in such a way that if one fails the others can redirect the data quickly and easily. This topology is the one with the highest tolerance for faults because it is the one that provides the most paths for data to travel from one point to another.
The main disadvantage of mesh-type networks is their cost, which is why a substitute has been created, which is the partial mesh network in which the most acute nodes (through which more traffic passes) are connected between themselves and the others. Nodes are interconnected through another topology (star, ring).
To understand how the nodes communicate in a WAN network, it is necessary to address an issue that is central to this type of network.
Point By Point- In this topology, each node is connected to another through dedicated circuits, that is, channels that are leased by companies or institutions from telephone companies. These channels are always available for communication between the two points.
This configuration is only functional for small WANs since all nodes must participate in the traffic, that is, if the number of nodes increases, the number of traffic increases, and this with the consequent increase in the cost of the network.
Ring- In the ring topology, each node is connected to two others forming a ring pattern.
This topology has two advantages: on the one hand, if there is a problem with the connections in a cable, the information continues to reach the node using another route and if any node is very busy, the traffic can be diverted to other nodes.
Our computer network support team is experienced and skilled in educational projects. Our team has relevant industry experience focused on providing effective support to students in completing their assignments. We provide solutions as quickly as possible and are plagiarism-free, professional, and careful. We have a team of professionals who provide solutions in every quality control.
Each of our subject matter experts has over 10 years of experience, resulting in a thorough understanding of the theoretical and practical parts of computer networks and communications. We provide support in network and computer engineering assignments to clients in several major academic sites including the UK, Australia, the United States, and Canada. We always appreciate your feedback and suggestions and look forward to implementing these recommendations. We always strive for a long-term relationship with our customers, and this can only be achieved by providing the best quality and meeting the expectations of each customer.
Get immediate Best Wide Area Networking Technology Assignment Writing Service. We offer 24*7 support for wide-area network assignments, coursework, and projects. Scholars should send their queries related to WAN assignments to us & our experts will fix all the problems within a specific time. Also, our experts are available for network device assignment help at any time of the day. You can get yourself registered on our website and get free online samples.
We have Wide Area Networking Technology assignment experts, who are assigned to these computer network tasks to ensure the utmost evaluation. Our team of computer network engineers provides high-quality computer network mapping support to help solve their tasks or projects. Experts know the theoretical and practical aspects of computer networks and communication. According to our experts, many devices help build computer networks. Some important devices are a router, hub, network cable, network card, and USB (Universal Serial Bus). Our experts believe that a good computer network should be strong according to criteria such as reliability, good performance, and protection against unauthorized sources. For more information about advanced networking assignment help, please contact us.