Student of James Cook University Will Provide Treatment to Children
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Student of James Cook University Will Provide Treatment to Children
Date : 26 May 2022
Location : Australia
Ms Sally West, a clinical nurse, researcher and PhD student at James Cook University, is a part of research that also include various talented researchers from Griffth University, Wesley Hospital, and Metro South Hospital and Health Services. Sally West said the team of researchers will concentrate on treating the children suffering from Acute Respiratory Failure(ARF) in the rural and remote areas. She also said that “Acute respiratory distress in children is the most common reason for emergency department (ED) presentations in Australia and is the reason for more than half of all hospital admissions of children under one year of age. It’s also the most common reason for paediatric aeromedical transfers in remote Australia. We saw an opportunity to collaborate with lead world respiratory paediatric researcher Dr Andreas Schibler, this was the obvious step forward given his landmark work in nasal high flow therapy”.