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Open Educational Resource

Did you know? At the beginning of the 20th century, the OERs gained importance in the human world thanks to librarians, and volunteers. They are the ones who aspired to work on viable sources, as well as high-tech OERs. As per Roncevic, the requirement of OER is connected to the college textbook costs. And, as per the College Board reports, the undergraduates invest a good amount of money on textbooks, and that becomes quite expensive for them.

open education resource

What is an Open Educational Resource?

All publicly available educational resources fall under the open educational resources (OERs) category. They are distributed under open licenses (such as Creative Commons), which define how content may be used, reused, updated, shared, and distributed to meet particular purposes. They could consist of textbooks, lecture notes, syllabi, tasks, and exams.

Why is there a Need for OER?

OER has been demonstrated to improve student learning while dismantling obstacles to accessibility and cost. OER was introduced in nine different business department courses at Virginia State University, according to a research report by Feldstein et al. (2012). Researchers discovered that students in OER-heavy courses performed better academically and had lower failure and withdrawal rates than their OER-light peers.

  • As per the Chronicle of Higher Education, the majority of the students did not go for textbooks as it is pricey.
  • Also, one in five college students has avoided classes because they can’t afford the books.
  • Textbook prices are rising at a rate that is four times that of inflation.
  • 60% of students wait to buy their books until they receive financial aid.

OERs allow instructors to alter the "ideal" textbook or course material rather than being restricted to a conventional one-size-fits-all structure. Faculty can choose the form and the frequency of notifications related to textbooks and the caliber of the course materials they use. Want to learn more about it, then connect with our assignment help Australia,

Benefits of OER

There are several advantages of OER, such as;

  • Broader access to education - OERs are freely available to use at any time by students all around the world.
  • Scalability - OERs are inexpensive or free to share broadly.
  • Expansion of the curriculum contents - Where there are glaring knowledge gaps in textbooks and lectures, OERs can be used as a complement.
  • Improvement to the normal course material - The text may be accompanied by multimedia content, such as videos. Information presented in various formats may make it easier for pupils to understand what is being taught.
  • Quick Flow - Rapid information dissemination is possible (especially when it is about informative published journals or textbooks which are mostly unavailable in the hard copy. And, it takes time to make them available. ). The material delivered may be more timely and relevant if it is readily available.
  • Demonstration of creativity and talent - Faculty members' scientific interests and experience may be made public. The recruitment of academics and students may be aided by impressing potential benefactors and students.
  • Tie-ins with alumni - OERs offer a great option for graduates to stay involved with the school and carry on with a lifelong learning programme.
  • Constantly enhanced resources - OERs, in contrast to textbooks and other static sources of knowledge, can be quickly modified by user-direct editing or by requesting and incorporating user feedback. An existing OER can be adjusted for a class by a teacher, who then makes the updated OER available for use by others. For further information, connect with our instant assignment help.

How to build your own OER for the Classroom.

Here are some ideas for getting started with your OER for the Classroom collection.

List the students and subject areas with learning needs your current curriculum resources cannot meet.

Anything else than a conventional textbook may be required. The topic content in the textbook could be oversimplified or complicated. Or you require a new viewpoint on historical occurrences to offer insightful information for critical thinking.

Create a rubric to aid in directing your search

Are you looking for a starting point? Check out the Achieve rubric—it's OER in and of itself! Find OER by going to the OER Commons and looking for a need you identified that fits the requirements of your rubric. If your circumstances permit, look at their website's remote learning section. Through the OER Commons, no resource was discovered. See this list of additional websites to review.

Work with your coworkers to assemble a pool of resources you can all access.

In Alberta, Canada, educators recently banded together to carry out this specific task.

Try using a mobile device to view the OER.

This may be their only choice for some or all of your students. If the OER is difficult to view, you might want to alter it if the licence permits it.

Adopt a method for storing and disseminating OER.

Do you need a simple way to distribute and preserve OER with your students? What if there was a method to make your OER flawlessly readable on a mobile device? View the Digital Backpack of Hpara. With the addition of information that you expressly choose for particular pupils, this new tool is intended to assist you in differentiating instruction. Additionally, it makes OER compatible with mobile devices for learners.

Open Educational Resource Examples

Syllabi, lesson plans, learning modules, lab exercises, simulations, course videos, discussion questions, assignments, assessments, library guides, and course design templates are examples of the different kinds of OER.

Presenting YouTube videos, using worksheets made and shared by other professors, and including online simulations as learning activities are all examples of how many teachers already incorporate OER into their lessons. Faculty can create and share their courses' syllabi, lesson plans, and even entire textbooks. They can work with academics from various institutions worldwide or on their own. They can use already published OER and republish them for sharing with others.

Students can contribute significantly to the development of OER, from projects to completing textbooks. To build a complete OER, for instance, students collaborated to discover materials in the public domain, write topic introductions, generate discussion forum questions, and design assignments that complemented the materials. For more information, you can connect with our assignment provider.

We have access to more repositories where you can search for OER as OER usage increases. Though you might not find an OER that completely meets your requirements, remember that most OER can be altered and adjusted to fit your course's framework or satisfy your students' needs. Yes, that takes time and thought, but it may also considerably enhance your research and teaching and your student's entire educational experience. Also, if you are looking for help related to OER, connect with our Assignment Help US today!

About Author
Nick Johnson

Nick is a multi-faceted individual with diverse interests. I love teaching young students through coaching or writing who always gathered praise for a sharp calculative mind. I own a positive outlook towards life and also give motivational speeches for young kids and college students.

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