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How to Write Narrative Essay

Narrative essays are the ones that grant writers an opportunity to spin fascinating stories that will hold readers' attention. Such stories show the writer's emotions and knowledge in different ways. When comparing the modes of exposition, narrations provide a different form of writing that enables the writers to give some imaginative aspects. This writing style allows readers to immerse themselves in a compelling narrative arc.

Whether you are a professional or a newbie, mastering narrative essay writing skills can lead to better storytelling. In this all-encompassing guide, we will examine the primary themes and the stages of writing. We will also recommend techniques to make your narrative essay exciting and attractive.

Students often feel confused in understanding how to write a narrative essay. In such cases, they can always take the help of our academic essay writing service. A few tips on writing a narrative essay are:

  • Choose a Good Topic: Choose a topic that is interesting to you and plan and experiment with different narrative essay topic ideas to select the most suitable narrative essay writing topics for your essay.
  • Write an outline: Write a basic outline of your essay and edit it so that a flow is established and it meets all the required criteria for the format of the essay.
  • Story elements: Make sure that your story has characters that the audience can relate to, situations inspired by real life and a good plot and a conflict to excite and interest the audience in your essay.
  • Point of view: Your point of view, thoughts, role and position in your story should be clear to the audience.
  • Support: Rather than simply providing opinions, you should back up your arguments with evidence and proper logical reasoning.
  • Ignore irrelevant details: Include the details that enhance the plot of the story or the experience of reading. Expel all the irrelevant material at the initial phase of charting out the outline.
  • Write clearly: Write clearly, chronologically describe events and read some narrative essay examples for inspiration.
  • Proofread and edit: It is always a healthy practice to check for potential errors and edit your essay to present the best version of the event.

Understanding Narrative Essays

However, before moving on to the writing, it is prudent to grasp narrative essays. These papers emphasize both narration and non-narration. Here, events, experiences, or personal stories are depicted that are provoking and intriguing. Expository and argumentative essays emphasize the lucid development of characters, setting, and plot to depict mood and message practically, whereas the narrative essay does not. Narrative essay examples are an excellent resource for understanding the format.

Points to remember While Writting Narrative Essays

Critical Elements of a Narrative Essay


Characters are the strength of a story through their actions. Characterization can come from real life, the natural world, or fiction. But both categories require being as rounded as possible to make your story more realistic and exciting. Consider characters' behavioural patterns for personal narrative essays, the drives behind their actions, and their interconnections to produce a compelling storyline.


It frames your story: the period and environment in which it is set. The tangible setting and the time depicted awaken the sensory receptors, allowing the reader to feel the story's world at its most intense.


A plot that does not miss details and will drive the story should plunge the audience into hiking in their saddle. It must keep them interested. Start with struggle, develop tension, and solve it appealingly to create a captivating story, specializing in writing personal narrative essays. In 5 words: a language that is continually evolving, shaped by technology, culture, and demographic changes

Point of View

The difference between these two approaches makes readers experience the story in multiple ways. Using the first-person narration, the writer suggests the unity helped by the immediacy, whereas the third-person narration, from a detached distance, pictures a bird's eye view. Identify whether you will tell the story from a first-person perspective or as a third-person narrator according to the relevance of your storyline.


Concepts or messages that allow the audience to read or understand the story are called themes. The themes illustrate the universal principles of love, grief, identity, or steadfastness among the characters to make you. Beneficial Vocabulary Reliance: relying heavily on something or someone to fulfil a specific need or requirement. Dependability: consistently meeting or fulfilling what is required or expected.

Step-by-Step Guide to Write a Narrative Essay

Below discussed is a comprehensive guide on how to make a narrative essay:

Brainstorm Ideas

Explore these experiences and events, or the emotions and thoughts connected with them, to help you frame your narrative essay. Think about the subjective stories you may want to share, such as personal anecdotes, childhood memories, or turning points that significantly impacted you.

Outline Your Story

Figure out the structure of your essay, explaining the main points, the introduction, and the conclusion. Organize your ideas chronologically or as themes to have a good story flow.

Craft a Compelling Introduction

Open with an intriguing epigraph to catch the reader's sight and create a background for the narrative. The open scene introduces the main characters, setting, and central conflict that would touch the imagination and pique the readers' interest.

Develop the Body

Try visualizing the scene using all your senses while identifying important nuances using literary devices. Introduce the plot in the beginning, along with the characters' feelings, brainwaves, and actions, to make it unveiled.

Create Climactic Moments

Present critical scenes or decisions to develop the story and intensify the suspense in personal narrative essays. This will enable me to advance the plot. This can take various forms, such as conflicts or problems that require a character's confrontation, while transformation or an epiphany can also be possible.

Offer Reflection and Insight

Analyze how the story is constructed to underline the significant happenings or the events you experienced. Integrate your views, realizations, and new perspectives to give your essay more vividness and authenticity. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that includes the following: 

  • Comparison of critical similarities and differences between moral relativism and moral absolutism.
  • Discussion of the benefits and potential limitations of the main ethical theories and their relevance to professional

Conclude Effectively

Briefly and bravely state the main attributes of your story and let the audience remember them forever. Ponder the theme that percolates through each paragraph, the last one completing the whole story.

How to Choose a Topic?

The best choice of topic is fundamental when you start your creative essay writing. It will give the essence of your story. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you choose a compelling topic for your narrative essay:

Reflect on Personal Experiences

  • First, try to think about the moments in your life that are the most unforgettable and vital.
  • Try to pinpoint these individual occurrences, which include challenges, victories, events in life, or even a growth process that has sculpted your identity, beliefs, or values.
  • Imagine the moments representing what is most important in your life—the memories and passions you desire to convey to others. You can refer to narrative essay examples.

Identify Themes and Messages

  • If you have anything meaningful to say, even as an upcoming artist, explore themes or messages close to your core beliefs and touch you emotionally. Subjects like these involve love, loss, examples of adaptation, personal and relational conflicts, or fighting through difficulties.
  • Unlock the power of humanizing by looking into the notions of universal human experiences or feelings you deem worth expressing or exploring through storytelling.
  • Think about how your preferred theme or subject is related to your personal beliefs, areas of interest, or interests.

Brainstorm Ideas

  • Brainstorm for the related topics that fit well into the narrative essay and write them down.
  • List down the things that come to mind right away, such as stories, ideas, or casual thoughts, whether you think they are meaningfully wasteful or not.
  • Be ultimate in accepting all the modes of creativity and imagination without self-censorship.

Consider Audience Engagement

  • Reflect on who your audience is (the people you want to understand the topic) and what topics are best if you want to catch their interest. Identifying the areas where they’re interested in, experienced in, or knowledgeable will enable you to pick your topic.
  • Take a subject linked to feelings, curiosity, or thought so that your readers will be more flexible to these aspects.
  • A narrative speech aims to hold the audience's attention from the introduction to the conclusion. Always try to develop a story connecting them to what is being said.

Evaluate Feasibility and Scope

Evaluate the feasibility and capacity of each possible theme by considering the following factors: the availability of appropriate experiences or incidents, the width of the story's coverage, the depth of conveying such information, and whether or not your flow of narration can be developed.
Select a theme that suggests you can dig deeper and explore in detail within the context of a narrative essay without stepping beyond its bounds.
Look into the time constraints, necessary resources, and the kind of research required to effectively communicate a topic to your audience within the designated time frame.

Follow Your Passion and Authenticity

  • Choose a field you are highly interested in and are part of the ecosystem. An image is a home for authenticity and genuine feelings. Those are crucial components in its creation.
  • Believe in your gut and follow your feelings when choosing a topic that will probe deeper into your mind.
  • Engage fully in the individuality of your voice, point of view, and personal development as you explore and describe your writing subject.

You can choose a topic involving your personal experiences, interests, and audience preferences. It will take root in your mind and encourage you to write an influential narrative essay with a purpose. Don't forget to keep to the hustle and dedicate yourself to themes that matter to you. Then, try to surprise and hook your audience with a one-of-a-kind story. These topics can help you understand how to make a narrative essay an exceptional one. 

Essential Tips to Write Narrative Essay

Go through some useful tips on writing a narrative essay:

Show, Don't Tell

Rather than blatantly declaring feelings or observations, convey them through descriptive words, sensory depictions, and character behaviours. You can also present them through a first-person point-of-view narrative.

Engage the Senses

Compare readers' senses and use descriptive prompts that lure the reader to the spate of senses—touch, sight, sound, smell, and taste.

Maintain Consistency

To present a unified reading experience, ask for consistency of tone, style, and narrative voice throughout your essay.

Edit and Revise

Revise your essay picking, paying more attention to the grammar, punctuation, and sentence structures. Consider adding transitional phrases and example(s) to connect your statements and your essay.

Seek Feedback

Engage in dialogue with peers, mentors, or writing groups to get the real picture. Broad perspectives also help. Consider their suggestions and make the necessary adjustments to improve your story. Strategic planning is an integral component of marketing, from the initial promotion and release of the product to the ongoing monitoring and gathering of consumer feedback.

The above-discussed topics are crucial for writing narrative essays. However, students can also get their essays written by the experts at Assignment Help India. They provide both guidance and solutions. 


The author’s task is crafting a story-driven essay with power, originality, and minute artistry. By realizing them, applying a standardized model, and using the main stages, will lead to taking your reader away to the realms of your world. No matter the type of experience you share, whether it is your journey or making an entirely new one up, or if you are trying to convey a deep meaning or something, perfecting the art of a narrative lets you reach a higher level of storytelling.

Let's put pen to paper, free your imagination, and gaze into the great blue yonder as you write your own captivating personal narrative essay. Writers who struggle to write narrative essays can get help from the above guide. They can also join the “Sample Assignment” service to create outstanding narrative essays. It helps them with the precise guidance they need. 

About Author
Nick Johnson

Nick is a multi-faceted individual with diverse interests. I love teaching young students through coaching or writing who always gathered praise for a sharp calculative mind. I own a positive outlook towards life and also give motivational speeches for young kids and college students.

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