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Essay Structure

How To Structure Different Types Of Essays? Learn From The Experts

Hello readers!!! Once again we have come up with interesting reading. Any guesses what this blog is all about? Okay!! I understand the kind of informative and creative blogs we keep bombarding you with, it must be difficult for you to guess what's next. With any further ado, let me introduce you to the topic for this blog. This blog will give you a sneak peek into the art of making a correct essay writing structure. Does that sound boring to you? Do not worry, this is not one of your college lectures!!! This is an attempt to introduce all you lovely readers to the world of writing and to help you explore with a guide map. Read on and see how this blog transforms your fear into curiosity to know more and more with our essay writing help experts.

As generic as this topic is and as much as we think we know about it, essays are an ambiguous piece of writing. The fact that there is no definite way of describing would make you understand how misunderstood this simple and widely used writing style is. So, let us start with the very basic.

What Is An Essay?

For a lack of clarity, the essay is described as a piece of writing generally having an argument that concludes by proving the writer's point. However all essays are not argumentative, some can be descriptive, critical, evaluative, reflective, comparative, etc.

How To Structure An Essay?

Just like every other piece of writing, an essay has a structure meaning a map or an outline that needs to be followed. The definite structure of the essay is what gives it the unique trait of being an essay.

An essay is an easy piece of writing as far as the structure is concerned. Unlike a research proposal or a critical analysis, it has three major parts that should necessarily be there. Rest the writer can navigate as per the requirements of the topic.

Start with an introduction. The introduction is the window to the essay. This section of the essay will introduce the topic of the essay. It should be written in a manner that catches the attention of the reader. Much like an abstract of a research paper, the introduction will determine how interesting your essay is. The introduction essay structure should end with a thesis statement that indicates the writer's view.

The next section of an essay would be the main body. This section should contain most of the information and all the arguments stated by the writer to prove his point. A good essay would not merely state a fact but go back and forth with the discussion.

The last section of the essay would be the conclusion. The essay conclusion is the reflection of the introduction. No new information should be stated in the conclusion. It is just an ending note where the writer confirms that he has or has not been able to prove his point of view.

How To Structure A Comparative Essay?

We read above how to structure an essay generally. Now, coming to structuring a comparative essay. A comparative essay is an essay where you are comparing two or more sides of a topic. The introduction of the comparative essay would remain the same except for the last sentence which will be indicative of both aspects of the topic. An important thing to note here is that the writer will not take any sides as of now. Remember, the essence of a comparative essay lies in the fact that the essay has to take both perspectives and discuss them equally.

The discussion should be an interplay of supporting and contradictory arguments for and against the different perspectives. The discussion should end at one perspective taking the lead. The essay conclusion structure should reinstate which perspective came out stronger after the discussion and why.

How To Structure An Essay Introduction?

An introduction is indicative of what a reader can expect from the essay. It should put the topic in perspective. The essay intro structure is not supposed to be the same for all essays. For an argumentative essay, the introduction will end with a thesis statement while for a reflective essay, the introduction should end by posing a question that makes the reader think.

Similarly, in the case of a descriptive essay, the introduction should be more informative than critical or reflective.

How To Structure An Analytical Essay?

Analysis means to look into different aspects of a thing in detail and come up with some new information out of that analysis. A good analytical essay does not only explain a topic but also contextualize the information for the reader. Additionally, it provides the writer's viewpoint to the reader to take a new perspective on the essay topic. Which hitherto the reader may not have been aware of.

Structure of an analytical essay

  1. Introduce the topic briefly.
  2. Take a viewpoint
  3. Defend the viewpoint by giving evidence
  4. Make sure to include contrasting opinions to add more credibility to your research
  5. Conclude your essay by reinstating the most impeccable points of your essay.

How To Structure A Persuasive Essay?

A persuasive essay is very similar to an analytical essay. It stems from the main concept of having a definite point of view that one has to prove. But what sets the persuasive essay apart from the analytical essay is the fact that the persuasive essay has a more interpersonal tone. While in an analytical essay, the writer just states the point of view. It is left up to the reader to accept or not to accept any fact. In a persuasive essay, the writer aims to make the reader agree with the point of view of the writer.

How To Write An Academic Essay Structure?

  1. An academic essay would be formal in tone and have five parts.
  2. It will consist of an introduction.
  3. The main body should ideally be divided into three paragraphs and
  4. A conclusion


Let me remind you once again what all we learned today -

  1. We learned that essays are of various types
  2. Essays generally follow a structure involving an introduction, main body, and a conclusion
  3. The nature of the essay will decide what course the writer will take in writing the essay
  4. A descriptive essay would focus on information while an analytical essay would focus on analyzing the information along with giving a viewpoint on the same
  5. A persuasive essay on the other hand will persuade the reader to agree with the viewpoint of the writer.
  6. All essays have to be conclusive i.e., there should be a starting point which would be the opening statement and there should be an ending point that would close the opening statement by answering the question raised by the opening statement or thesis statement.

So, did you learn something new today? Was it interesting? For more stuff like this keep visiting our website and for more help in your assignments, you can contact our experts who have immense expertise and experience in the field of essay writing. Our essay writing help that you can seek help from.

Our experts know exactly how to structure the different types of essays like persuasive essay, teel essay structure, basic essay structure, English essay structure, and compare and contrast essay structure, etc. Although being a very commonly used writing format, it is still very difficult for the students to get a heck of it due to different types of essays. The students end up mixing the features of different essay types and find it difficult to ascertain which type of essay would suit a certain topic. To avoid any discrepancies in the structure and content, trust our assignment help for the perfect essay you are looking for which in addition to helping you to get the best scores, will also help you to get an essay that you can use as a reference point for further essay assignments.

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About Author
Nick Johnson

Nick is a multi-faceted individual with diverse interests. I love teaching young students through coaching or writing who always gathered praise for a sharp calculative mind. I own a positive outlook towards life and also give motivational speeches for young kids and college students.

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