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Stuck with writing CHCDIV002 Assessment Answers? Get Help from Experts

We all love our country, but how much do we really know about the rich and diverse culture that it holds? Talking about the enriched history of Australia inevitably brings us to the people of the First Nations who exist even today, although, not many people know about them extensively. Despite having existed from the time the country first saw human habitation, why is so little known about the Aboriginal tribes? Who are the Torres Strait islanders and what are the problems encountered by them in keeping up with an ever-evolving world based on values and systems that are by and largely different from their own? If these are the questions plaguing your psyche and assignments both, you will find the answers here.

Australia has a diverse indigenous history dating back to tens of thousands of years. The hundreds of generations that succeeded the original dwellers have made the culture evolve continually into what it is today, although, the founding pillars of faith in Nature and Spirituality have not eroded away. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities are still strongly tied to traditional views, language, and culture – with all of them being curated through a spiritual lens that is unique to the community.

chcdiv002 assessment answers

Who Are the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders?

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders are indigenous Australian inhabitants who were among the first to have migrated out of Africa, travelling along the shores of South Asian waters until they reached Australia. Archaeological evidence establishes them as the oldest continuous civilization with an extensive timeline that dates back to approximately 65,000 years.

They, however, are not a homogenous group as one may assume. In fact, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait islanders form one of the most culturally diverse populations on earth with more than a hundred sub-groups existing within the formation, all with their individual traits and denotations. It is estimated that the world had around 500 nations, 250 languages, and 600 dialects existent at the time when colonial invasions began in the late 18th century, and Aboriginal languages were a part of the tally.

Torres Strait islanders come from the Torres Strait, a passage between Papua New Guinea and Cape York, Queensland. The Torres Strait Islands are an archipelago of 274 small islands spread across an area of 48,000km2. , and the islanders who are mostly of Melanesian origin, have identities, history, culture, and traditions different from that of the Aboriginals. Today, the first settlers make for about 3.3 percent of the Australian populace, translating to around 800000 people out of a total of 25 million. Exhibiting a phenomenon called the “Torres Island Diaspora”, approximately 64% of the islanders now reside in the more mainstream parts of Queensland, including the mainland and islands.

Interestingly, the First Nations people have a much lower age profile than the Non-First Nations populace, which is to say, that about 53 percent of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait dwellers are aged below 25.

Aboriginal Flag

The colours of the Aboriginal Flag, designed in 1970, represent the different aspects of the Aboriginal life, with Black representing the people, Red - the relationship between the land and the people and Yellow as the Sun that ultimately binds both together

Torres Strait Islander Flag

The Torres Strait Islander Flag (designed in 1990) features a headdress known as the “Dharri”, and a five-pointed star designating the five elements. The colour White stands for Peace while Green, Black, and Blue represent the Land, the People, and the Sky respectively.

Diversity in the Indigenous Australian Population

Cultural diversity means that the population in a specified territory has a fundamental difference in how their life operates in the domains of:-

  • Law
  • Religion
  • Traditions and usages
  • Beliefs
  • Rituals
  • Lifestyle

Indigenous Australians feel attached to their country which is an umbrella term encompassing people, animals, birds, and plants that delve in it, and the spirit of creation who is responsible for the formation of all the living and non-living life-forms. This is a focal point of many CHCDIV002 assignment help.  The cultural beliefs and values are imbibed into people through Dreamtime stories, songs, plays, etc. These are taught to children from a young age. Every population is divided into different sects through differences in fundamental beliefs, personalities, values, and traditions. The same holds for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people. For instance, if we talk about Sydney, it has as many as 34 Aboriginal groups. On linguistic lines, these groups can be divided into four categories cultural differences notwithstanding.

More information relating to this may be found in a CHCDIV002 assignment sample.  There is a common thread of belief system that runs through every community, but differences are inevitable on personal and cultural grounds. Chcdiv002 summative assessment 2 relies heavily on it. No single Indigenous Australian person is considered as the sole person who holds knowledge about everything. The same applies to the groups. Therefore, recognising and acknowledging nuances within the sociological spheres must be welcomed and embraced.

Cultures and belief system of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander population is intricate and esoteric. Mainland Australia, Tasmania, Stradbroke Island, and Groote Eyland have been the native place for Aboriginals. Torres Strait Islander has inhabited the territory of Queensland and Papua New Guinea. Different words are used in their common lexicon to identify themselves from other indigenous Australians.

Spiritual Beliefs of the Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders

Birth in Aboriginals

It is a women’s business in indigenous Australians. It signifies that only women are allowed to assist in the process of birth. A male doctor’s presence and involvement are only limited to consultation and sharing of information. It is a good practice to make sure that a female doctor is present at the time of delivery. Mainstream doctors find it hard to render their services due to miscommunication. Therefore, it is advisable to give consultation in the presence of an Indigenous Health Liaison officer.

Beliefs relating to death      

Indigenous Australians see death in an oddly peculiar way. If you are taking the name of a deceased relative or ancestor, it means you are disrespecting them and their family. That is why anything relating to the deceased is mentioned indirectly. The name of the deceased is not even written anywhere and his photographs or videos are to be deleted. If you are working for giving health services to these people, this information can be very useful. More information like this could be accessed from a CHCDIV002 sample. 

Rituals and ceremonies

Ceremonies relating to death among the indigenous population extend from two to four weeks. The term of bereavement is decided by the status of the deceased. People of this population working in a company may ask for extended leaves for a reason that may seem absurd. They call it a sorry business. It is an indispensable part of the aboriginal culture where everyone is expected to visit the family of the deceased and express their grief. If they have not returned on the day when they were supposed to, do not talk about walkabout with them. They deem it offensive.

Observance of time

The Aboriginal‘s measurement of time may come in direct conflict with the mainstream concepts and observance of time. Non-indigenous attitude towards time is very practical and indigenous follow it on cultural lines. Sensitisation towards their strong beliefs is to be reflected while scheduling any meeting with them. They may see nighttime as inauspicious and may not want to do business at that time. Therefore, to maintain a healthy relationship with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, it is important to understand their way of living. The research material relating to this can be easily found through experts and academicians of the best assignment writing service in Australia.

The Dreamtime

Aboriginal people use the term Dreamtime (or Dreaming) to describe a complex network of spiritual beliefs on the creation and existence of life. This worldview includes the past, present and future and portrays how the Spirits made the rivers, streams, waterholes, hills, rocks, plants and animals, etc. This knowledge percolates through generations via stories, songs, dances, and ceremonies. It is the founding structure of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and provides a vital context for ongoing relationships, kinship responsibilities, and duties to the country.

The Tagai      

Torres Strait Islanders are connected through their association with the Tagai. Tagai is lore that states everything in the universe has its own place. It describes the peoples’ union to the stars, depicting the Torres Strait Islanders as sea people, and is the spiritual belief system that connects the people to the order of the world.

How Does the Family System in the Aboriginals and Torres Strait Island People Function?

First Nations Australians often have a complex system of family ties, roles, and responsibilities that form the core of their cultures. The hierarchy defines each member’s place in the community and keeps the people bound together in a system. It also sets the duties and responsibilities that the children have towards their families, and how each family member is meant to support others in the kinship system. Elders bridge the gap between the past and the present by transferring their perceptions, skills, knowledge, and stories to the generations who succeed them. 

Caring for a child is considered to be the duty of the entire clan, and not just the biological parents. The fission in the family system as a consequence of colonial rule had caused a great deal of trauma to the Australian ways of family and community building. Some Torres Strait Islanders even have traditional or customary adoption practices that dictate that a child will not be brought up by their biological mother. Customary adoption primarily aims to provide an opportunity to raise children to childless family members while also strengthening the ties between families.

How Are the Indigenous Australian Inhabitants Disadvantaged Even Today?

Indigenous Australian Inhabitants

Despite having a rich history, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders face many challenges in terms of inequality, discrimination, and cultural disconnection even today. The complex policies and systems in Australia serve to exacerbate the situation even more where hardly any indigenous individual has a chance to represent themselves to a broader audience.

The common problems faced are child mortality, lack of early year education, insufficient child literacy and numeracy, school attendance and completion issues, unemployment, and shorter life expectancy.         

Many Aboriginals and /or Torres Strait Islanders feel hesitant in seeking health advice from government health service providers. Their holistic perception of health and safety may be one of the reasons. A holistic view means that the physical, social, emotional, spiritual, and cultural health of an individual and society is maintained. This critical observation is the central theme of CHCDIV002 Torres Strait Islander Cultural Safety.  Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people interpret health issues within the line of their inter-relationships within the community and spiritual attachment of the land, its spirits, and their ancestors. Indigenous Australians are wary of violating any personal laws or the laws of the nature identified by them as acting against them is considered an act against God which brings illness caused by evil spirits or payback for disobeying Godly mandate. Many also belief that destroying religious places or dwelling place for spirits cause the wrath of God and bring the curse of natural disasters, diseases, floods, earthquake, fire, etc.

Facts & Figures

  • The child mortality rate for First Nations children was 141 per 100,000 in 2018, twice the rate for non-First Nations children.
  • About 1 in 4 First Nations students in Years 5, 7, and 9 remain below national minimum standards for reading.
  • In 2018-19, around 34 percent of First Nations youth aged 20-24 had not attained Year 12 or equivalent.
  • Just over half of all young people in detention on an average night in June 2019 were First Nations Australians.

Reconciliation – a Bird’s Eye View on Accommodating the Differences

A Reconciliation Plan (RAP) is the strategy developed by a group or organisation which works to reduce the gap in inequality and discrimination affecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. It provides the steps for non-First Nations staff to learn about, engage with, and better understand First Nations people, cultures, and histories.

  • The reception or inquiry services should show an empathetic attitude towards Aboriginals.
  • Lines of communication should remain open so that they can communicate whatever they want to say.
  • A person establishes healthy conversational relationships with a person who he trusts. The trust of Aboriginals could be gained by getting an insight into their family ties, anatomical, and skin differences, and knowledge of their customs to sensitive subjects like death can help avoid misunderstanding.
  • For instance, Aboriginals are prohibited from taking names of their dead by a cultural and religious taboo and are equally averse to blood or urine samples drawn from their bodies. The healthcare practices must be framed taking into consideration the ways that will effectively mitigate the concerns without it looking like a direct affront to the dignity of the clan.

Get Answers On CHCDIV002 Assessment 1 From Our Experts

The CHCDIV002 assessment 1 answers as stated by our experts' deal with identifying cultural safety issues at the workplace. After completing the unit, the students will be able to identify the potential influence of cultural factors on service delivery for indigenous Australian population clients. You will also be able to demonstrate critical issues influencing relationships and communications with the indigenous population. In addition, you will be to maintain and develop important aspects of cultural safety issues in respect to indigenous populations and assess the extent to which cultural safety is integrated into personal workplace situations.

Our group of experts has solved various answers on CHCDIV002 assessment 1. Such functions that include thorough technical skills and command expect you to be very handy and learned of the various ideas collected. Given beneath is the task question that was given to our specialists. However, they figured out how to get our clients an HD grade. Here is a reference sample provided by experts on CHCDIV002 assessment 1:

CHCDIV002 assessment 1

Get Answers On CHCDIV002 Assessment 2 From Our Experts

The CHCDIV002 Assessment 2 answers as stated by our experts' deal with model cultural safety in the personal workplace. After completing the course the students will be able to make sure that work practices are stranded in awareness of their own cultural biases and reflect awareness regarding their own and other cultures at the workplace. Through using communication tools in workplace settings you will be able to show respect for cultural variations among indigenous populations. Also, you will be able to engage effectively with indigenous population colleagues as per the situation requirements.

Through this course, the students must illustrate evidence of the capability of completing tasks outlined in elements and performance aspects included in this unit. However, completing and solving the CHCDIV002 assessment 2 answers is difficult and might impact your academic grades. To ease your difficulty below is a reference sample solved by our experts on CHCDIV002 assessment 2:

CHCDIV002 assessment 2 answers

Know From Our Experts How To Get Answers On CHCDIV002 Assessment 3

The CHCDIV002 Assessment 3 answers as stated by our experts' deal with developing strategies for improving cultural safety issues. After completing the course, you will be able to assist the development of efficient partners among the indigenous population and their communities. Also, you will be able to identify and use resources for promoting partnerships. Devising and documenting methods for supporting service deliveries and programs that are culturally safe and encourage augmented participation. The students will be able to establish strategies for encouraging self-determination and community regulation in programs.

The students will be able to demonstrate important knowledge needed for completing and managing tasks in the aspects of work roles. This includes the concepts of indigenous population cultural safety in community services and ways to include them in planning and delivering services. However, completing and solving the CHCDIV002 assessment 3 answers is difficult and might impact your academic grades. To ease your difficulty below is a reference sample solved by our experts on CHCDIV002 assessment 3:

CHCDIV002 assessment 3

Diversity is the salt of the world. However, much has already been lost, and many more are in the process of being wiped out. Courses like CHCDIV002 Torres Strait Islander Cultural Safety are steps in the right direction to restore and preserve the preciousness and purity of the Earth remnant from a time when the world as we know it today was drastically different. For more assistance on the topic, get in touch with the best assignment help in Australia, us.

chcdiv002 assessment 1 answers

Are You Looking For CHCDIV002 Assessment Answers Help? You Came To Right Place

Are you confused about answering your CHCDIV002 Assessment? Don’t know what to include in the assessment? Well, no need to worry.

The CHCDIV002 assessment course describes the skills and competencies needed for identifying Aboriginal and Torres Straits Islanders population cultural diversities, safety concerns at the workplace, and establishing strategies for enhancing their cultural safety.

This unit is applied to individuals working in a wide range of roles including those intricate in direct customer services, program development, planning, and assessment frameworks. This unit is applied in compliance with Commonwealth legislatures, Australian standards, and codes of practice.

Completing such assessments is not easy at all. This situation is why students drop out of CHCDIV002 courses simply because they cannot complete their assignments. Some scholars fail to pass the semester because they are not capable enough to complete the task. We are here to guide the students by offering the best CHCDIV002 assignment help in Australia. We are experts facilitating students for many years. Our subject specialists will give you the best assessment answers to pass your CHCDIV002 assignments with flying colors.  

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